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5th Edition of

Singapore Nursing Research Conference

March 24-26, 2025 | Singapore

Nursing 2021

The effects of loved ones loss on vulnerable people

Speaker at Singapore Nursing Research Conference 2021 - Sofica Bistriceanu
Academic Medical Unit–CMI, Romania
Title: The effects of loved ones loss on vulnerable people


Background: Our feelings influence the function of all systems composing the human body; the reasoning power fills us with energy, according to its value. Best pondering of existence maintains wellbeing, and wrong consideration of things, events, circumstances makes us physically, mentally less vigorous, altering our health.
Aim: To reveal the inflected forms of diseases to be on the decline of vulnerable people, how too much suffering alters the individual interest, doings, life expectancy.
Material& Method: A qualitative study was performed by the author into community, 2018 to 2020, relating to the thinking power to settle the person’s existence value.
Findings: In 2018, patient, 83, experienced the worst moments of his life caused by the death of his wife, and after six months, his daughter, 59.
Patient’s medical history: duodenal ulcers, 1984; kidney stones, 1993.
Patient’s family health history: mother, father: hypertension
Actions were taken:

  • In winter 2018, his nephew, 35, a lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine and his father invited him to their home, offering more emotional support.
  • In April 2019, the patient returned home.
  • On June 2019, his nurse notified oedema of lower limbs and informed his family doctor; she managed the hearth failure using drugs, behaviour change information. The doctor suggested more in –person or IT communication skills with dear persons; adjusted food intake, controlled daily activities, connection by phone, tablet with his loved ones improved the patient’s health.
  • Community members, patient’s family continued to offer him emotional support in trouble time; his daily visits to the church ameliorated his suffering, but not enough to attain emotional equilibrium.
  • In April 2020 he was admitted into private hospital for annual routine control; no new abnormalities were detected. At the end of October 2020, the patient’s unintentional fall from a height of 3 feet landing on the ground [ladder accident] required transportation to the hospital, emergency ward; no bone fracture, blood abnormalities registered. He received suitable drugs, according to his data.
  • Three weeks later, persistent bone pain involving the ribs, lumbar spine, and fatigue demanded additional investigations into hospital. This time, the findings of the blood tests revealed abnormalities including the proliferation of B cells and the secretion of antibodies, anemia; skeletal radiography, computerized tomography [CT] , magnetic resonance imaging [MRI], detected lumbar vertebrae fissure, L4. Diagnosis of multiple myeloma noticed. During hospitalization, a pneumothorax appeared spontaneously and was successfully treated; biopsy specimen revealed the diagnosis of chondrosarcoma of the chest wall.

Results: in December 2020, the patient died in hospital.
Conclusion: Mental life governance for the individual functioning has to be considered in clinical practice. Persistent negative thoughts determined by the physical absence of the loved ones altered the heart, blood vessels function, immune system control relating to the proliferation of B cells and the secretion of antibodies, transformed cells that produce cartilage.
Discussion/ Implications: The people must be informed about the consequences of prolonged, disturbed mental life for the human body function. Persistent unhealthy thoughts’ energy initiated by the loss of loved ones may alter the tight control of blood vessels, immune system. Proliferation of B cells and the secretion of antibodies appear when chromosomes 13,14, genes are altered. Gene translocation to chromosomes promotes antibody genes to overproduction. It is possible that persistent unsafe thoughts’ energy to foster deletion of parts of chromosome 13, or chromosome 14 abnormalities as observed in 50%, 50% of cases of myeloma, finally appearing a proliferation of a plasma cell clone; genomic instability can command to further mutations and translocations. Bone tumors in evolution can lead to a spontaneous broken bone or the fracture facilitated by minor trauma; it can explain the pneumothorax registered to this patient. The selection of appropriate remedies for trouble time determined by the loss of dear ones may prevent or attenuate the individual’s malfunction. It is our mission, in the end, to facilitate the best solutions to succeed over death of loved ones.


Sofica Bistriceanu, MD, Ph.D., graduated from Iasi University in Romania and family medicine research at Maastricht University. She joined the European, American, and Asian Primary Care Research Group, American Academy on Communication in Healthcare, APTR, IHI, NICHQ, EPCCS, EURACT, and WONCA Meetings. With over 90 research studies shared internationally, she has been recognized with numerous awards. Dr. Sofica Bistriceanu is a member of the Academy for Professionalism in Health Care, serves on the Editorial Review Board for The Journal of Patient Experience (JPX), and is an Associate Editor for PriMera Scientific Publication. She represents the Academic Medical Unit- CMI, NT, ROU. Additionally, she is the author of seven volumes of poetry published by Chronica, Iasi Publishing House, and Time, Iasi Publishing House.
