Title: Self-care and caring: Bringing it together in nursing
Title: The impact of AI and immersive technologies on nursing futures
Title: Exploring the healthcare professionals’ experiences with patient's death
Title: African immigrants women and pregnancy-related death at high increase
Title: Recommendations for Iicorporating social determinants of health within nursing curricula
Title: Hematologic malignancy and palliative care integration in the outpatient setting
Title: Hematologic malignancy and palliative care integration in the outpatient setting
Title: Transforming employee health (death) to occupational Health
Title: Testimonies among the elderly at Balay Taripato in Cabugao, Ilocos sur
Title: Stroke risk perception among high-risk population: A latent profile analysis
Title: Latent profile analysis of dyadic mental health literacy among stroke patients and their caregivers
Title: A meta-analysis of nursing staff's attitude towards family nursing and its influencing factors