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5th Edition of

Singapore Nursing Research Conference

March 24-26, 2025 | Singapore

Nursing 2024

A re-introduction of the “caring“ capacity in nursing’s interactive field

Speaker at Singapore Nursing Research Conference 2024 - Patricia M Burrell
Hawaii Pacific University, United States
Title: A re-introduction of the “caring“ capacity in nursing’s interactive field


While AI has made major contributions and inroads in our everyday lives, in person interactions are being seen as becoming more valuable (Frey & Osborne, 2013). The in person interactions in nursing, which is a “hands-on profession” requires engagement in the nursing interactive field.
That engagement requires the bio-behavioral synchrony that Dumas identified as interbrain- synchrony (Dumas, 2010). Interbrain-synchrony, a major aspect of socio-emotional development in the human being is part of everyday life. It is also a major part of what the nurse brings as an aspect of caring into the interaction with the patient. It is in the interactive field between the patient and the nurse that the healing and caring connection is forged.
However, Dumas also noted that lack of that synchrony happens with AI. Law et. al. noted that youngsters’ long term use of screen time resulted in deficits in executive functioning (2023). Our young students who are highly proficient with texting and other online practices noted having some problems with talking to patients. Although, they could proficiently start an IV, they didn’t know what to say after that. Introducing a course in therapeutic communications skills, early on in the BSN program may assist students to start building up those interpersonal skills that have been displaced by their online engagement.
The teaching of therapeutic communication skills and practice in early nursing education assists students in the development of a successful patient-centered care approach. It also allows them to develop and practice caring in the interactive field.


Dr. Burrell obtained her BSN from Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts her MSN from the University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, Hawaii her PhD from the University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah and her 1st Post-Doc from the C. G. Jung Institute, Zurich, Switzerland. She is a Professor of Nursing at Hawaii Pacific University’s College of Health and Society and is also Director of the Transcultural Nursing Center at HPU. She is a Transcultural Nursing Scholar. Dr. Burrell has a part-time practice in Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing and as a Jungian analyst.
