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5th Edition of

Singapore Nursing Research Conference

March 24-26, 2025 | Singapore

Nursing 2024

Decreasing pressure injuries on a neuro-intermediate care unit by increasing static waffle overlay usage

Speaker at Singapore Nursing Research Conference 2024 - Anna Podgorski
Queen’s Medical Center, United States
Title: Decreasing pressure injuries on a neuro-intermediate care unit by increasing static waffle overlay usage


Background: The development of a pressure injury can have detrimental health effects on patients. Around 60,000 patients die every year worldwide due to complications secondary to pressure injuries (Borojeny, et al., 2020). From July 2022 - Sept 2022, baseline hospital data showed there were 10 unit-acquired pressure injuries on the neuro-intermediate care unit. During this same period, baseline compliance of placing a static overlay mattress under all admitted patients with a Braden score of 18 and less was 39.45%. The process of obtaining a static overlay required the unit’s registered nurses to place an order from the central supply division, then wait for the product to be hand-delivered. This led to delays in care.
Interventions: For 2 weeks, from the end of August to the beginning of September 2022, staff were educated in appropriate usage of the static overlay. This included creating a unit process identifying that the responsibility of the admitting primary nurse includes ensuring all patients with Braden scores 18 and under would have a static overlay in place by end of shift. The static overlay acquisition process was also changed. Previously the product was ordered via the electronic medical chart and then hand-delivered by central supply division. In order to improve workflow efficiency and limit delays the static overlay was stocked in the unit’s product-dispensing cabinet.
Outcomes: Usage of the static overlay mattress improved to 85.61%. Post-intervention data showed that between Oct-December 2022 there was 1 unit-acquired pressure injury, a 90% improvement.
Implications: Pressure injuries cost an average of $10,708 per incidence (Padula & Delarmente, 2019). With a decrease in pressure injuries from 10 to 1, the potential cost-savings to the unit was $96, 372.
Applications to other settings: The static overlay used is a single-use only product. This product fits a single twin-size bed. As this is a patient charged item, this product is discharged with the patient to their home, rehab centers, and/or skilled nursing facilities. The intervention implemented supports the continuity of a patient’s care and with the intent of protecting patients’ skin throughout their healthcare journey.

Audience Take Away Notes:
• Learners will recognize the effectiveness of a static overlay mattress in decreasing pressure injuries
• Learners will understand average the cost of a pressure injury and the implications it can have on patients
• The project could be expanded on by other facilities to evaluate the effectiveness of static overlays on other patient populations
• This project provides a cost-effective and practical solution to a hospital-acquired problem


Anna Podgorski, RN, BSN, SCRN obtained her Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Central Connecticut State University. She has had three years of oncology nursing experience and five years of combined neuroscience intensive care and intermediate care nursing. She has presented the results of quality improvement projects at multiple nursing conferences throughout the United States.
