Title: Using peer review to facilitate development of a personal philosophy underpinning future psychiatric nursing practice
Brandon University offers an undergraduate degree program in psychiatric nursing. A required course, Philosophical Perspectives for Practice is one of the last courses students complete prior to commencing their final senior practicum course before graduation. This course is comprised of four assignments; two of which are completed by students using a peer review platform. While a review of the various philosophical approaches that underpin psychiatric nursing knowledge development is the focus of the first peer review assignment, the course culminates in the second peer review assignment with the development of a personal philosophy that will underpin future psychiatric nursing practice. Peer review was chosen for use in this course because of reputation for encouraging peer-to-peer learning and evaluation through use of Bloom’s Taxonomy of Learning to promote critical thinking skill development in learners. This presentation provides a critical assessment of a peer review platform’s use in undergraduate psychiatric nursing education including disclosure of lessons learned.