Title: Communication Significance in Clinical Practice
The people interaction generates a variety of effects on them, according to the content degree solicitation, relevance, context, individual vulnerability, resistance.
Experiencing adversities in our life affects and alters our body functionality, finally failure or victory on it succeeding. The ability to cope with harsh conditions makes us effective people dealing with dilemmas.
This presentation will focus on the effects of inappropriate communication skills on the partners; it will bring to light how dangerous are working improper attitudes, words’ energy on the blood vessel functioning of vulnerable people; unsuitable communication determines fluctuant blood transport through to cells, disturbing their function. Repetitive exposure to such events can lead to disaster. Compiling all factors implying the functionality of the cardiovascular system, including the communication skills, we have a general picture of its changing harmony, possible fissures; brain haemorrhage is one such unwanted situation. Applying verbal and nonverbal communication skills for our daily outlined concerns we can improve our health, attain our intended goal.