HYBRID EVENT: You can participate in person at Singapore or Virtually from your home or work.

5th Edition of

Singapore Nursing Research Conference

March 24-26, 2025 | Singapore

Nursing 2022

Moving Through Caring for Yourself and Others During Covid 19

Speaker at Singapore Nursing Research Conference 2022 - Adele Webb
Capella University, United States
Title: Moving Through Caring for Yourself and Others During Covid 19


It has been well documented that the Covid-19 pandemic has caused significant stress and burnout for providers.  The nursing profession is losing qualified and important staff due to vaccine hesitancy and fear of contracting the virus.  Nurses are reporting cases of PTSD as well as fatigue and mental and moral distress related to their role in providing care.  This presentation addresses the need to care for oneself in order to care for others.  Included are suggestions for addressing the distress related to working during this prolonged pandemic.  In addition, information is provided on ways to relate to patients and families as they journey through the pandemic along with providers.


A partner in the Institute of Global Nursing Development, Adele works on international nurse capacity building in communicable/non-communicable diseases. She has extensive and has published.  She contributed to WHO guidelines, testified to the Institute of Medicine and to the White House.  A speaker on international nursing issues, Adele collaborates with WHO as well as the World NCD.  Adele has contributed to nurse capacity building in 47 countries.  Adele received and the Nicholas Andrew Cummings award for Excellence in Interprofessional Practice and is a Fellow in the ICN, the National Academies of Practice and the American Academy of Nursing.
