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5th Edition of

Singapore Nursing Research Conference

March 24-26, 2025 | Singapore

Nursing 2022

Organizational culture and nursing adherence to quality and patient safety practices

Speaker at Singapore Nursing Research Conference 2022 - Palloma Fernandes
Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil
Title: Organizational culture and nursing adherence to quality and patient safety practices


The influence of organizational culture on quality management and patient
safety is essential to hospital management because it involves basic beliefs and
values, artifacts and assumptions, and methods of evaluation and monitoring“Pattern of basic assumptions shared and learned by a group as it has solved its problems of
external adaptation and internal integration, that
have worked well enough to be considered valid
and therefore be taught to new members as the
correct way to perceive, think and feel about these problems”. p.18
Single case study of qualitative approach
Theoretical Reference
(CRESWELL, 2018; YIN, 2015; SCHEIN, SCHEIN, 2017)
Research Participants 51 professionals
Data collection: 2020
18 Managers
Intentionally choosen 25 Nursing Team
Drawing of the work scale
8 Multiprofessional Team
Data triangulation
Data analysis
Organized in MAXQDA 2020;
Content analysis accordingOrganized into units with shared decisions Element of culture: shared decisions
conclusion :
The university culture shapes the work process, legitimizing the power of professors and
physicians, making it difficult to consolidate the proposals for quality management and
patient safety, preserving the ways of doing consecrated in the organizational culture.
Quality management is recognized as important by managers and professionals, but partial
adherence to activities and resistance to change influence its implementation.
In the professionals' understanding, to achieve quality, it is necessary to work patient safety
into daily actions so that it generates improvement in the work process and, thus, quality is
incorporated into the organizational culture.
1.The university culture shapes the work process, legitimizing the power of professors and
physicians, making it difficult to consolidate the proposals for quality management and
patient safety, preserving the ways of doing consecrated in the organizational culture.
Quality management is recognized as important by managers and professionals, but partial
adherence to activities and resistance to change influence its implementation.
In the professionals' understanding, to achieve quality, it is necessary to work patient safety
into daily actions so that it generates improvement in the work process and, thus, quality is
incorporated into the organizational culture.ow decision-making - important mechanism of democracy
o Laws in Brazil for professors and workers at the University Hospital of UFMG Elements of culture:
work contract that ensures job stability - difficulties in using mechanisms for evaluating, warning, and
suspending the worker. Modifies compliance with the norms.
Elements of culture: the power of the professor and the physician, associated with the university culture that
presupposes shared decisions, work contracts that ensure job stability, and an insufficient number of
professionals sustain the current discourse that "it has always been this way".
o The number of staff was established, but retirements and absences without replacement became
insufficient to meet the complexity of the hospital, leading to work overload. Element of culture:
insufficient staff quantity and work overloThe university culture shapes the work process, legitimizing the power of professors and physicians, making it difficult to consolidate the proposals for quality management and
patient safety, preserving the ways of doing consecrated in the organizational culture.
Quality management is recognized as important by managers and professionals, but partial
adherence to activities and resistance to change influence its implementation.
In the professionals' understanding, to achieve quality, it is necessary to work patient safety
into daily actions so that it generates improvement in the work process and, thus, quality is
incorporated into the organizational culture
The university culture shapes the work process, legitimizing the power of professors and
physicians, making it difficult to consolidate the proposals for quality management and
patient safety, preserving the ways of doing consecrated in the organizational culture.
Quality management is recognized as important by managers and professionals, but partial
adherence to activities and resistance to change influence its implementation.
In the professionals' understanding, to achieve quality, it is necessary to work patient safety
into daily actions so that it generates improvement in the work process and, thus, quality is
incorporated into the organizational culture.
Partial results of the doctoral thesis entitled: "OrganizationalREFERENCES
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Creswell, JW. Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches. 5 ed. Thousand Oaks, Califórnia: SAGE Publications, 2018.
FLEURY, M. T. L.; FISCHER, R. M. Cultura e poder nas organizações. 2. ed. São Paulo: Atlas, 2013.
YIN, R. K. Estudo de caso: planejamento e método. 2. ed., Porto Alegre: Bookman, 2015. TURATO, E. R. Tratado de metodologia da pesquisa clínico-qualitativa:
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SCHEIN, E. H.; SCHEIN, P. Organizational culture and leadership. 5. ed. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, 2017.
