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5th Edition of

Singapore Nursing Research Conference

March 24-26, 2025 | Singapore

Nursing 2022

The experience with do not resuscitation (DNR) on the family of the terminal patients in the intensive care unit

Speaker at Singapore Nursing Research Conference 2022 - Hui Ying Cheng
Hung Kuang University, Taiwan
Title: The experience with do not resuscitation (DNR) on the family of the terminal patients in the intensive care unit


Abstract:  The purpose of this study was to describe a qualitative study of the experience of family members of terminally ill patients in the intensive care unit signing DNR.  Five family members of terminally ill patients in the intensive care unit were interviewed by intentional sampling, and the data were collected through in-depth interviews and audio recordings. Analyze and organize data using content analysis. The experience of family members of terminal patients in signing DNR and their adjustment process are summarized into three themes, namely, the consensus of family members, the inner storm - the dream of past first aid experience, and the decision to become an executioner. We hope the results can help  family can understand, and expect improve the effectiveness of medical-patient communication , Improve the familys' medical cognition, reduce their anxiety before decision-making, and also calm the family's mind, and accompany the patient through the last mile.

What will audience learn from your presentation?

In Taiwan, are few relevant literatures about the family members of the terminally ill patients in the intensive care unit signing the DNR. Therefore, this study uses a qualitative research method to understand the relevant experience of the family members of the terminally ill patients in the ICU signing the DNR.

Biography of presenting author (should not exceed 100 words)

Hui-Ying Cheng studies Nursing at the Hung Kuang University in Taiwan,  she  graduated as MS in 2009. She also a head nurse in the intensive care unit in the hospital for fifteen years. She learns her PhD degree from 2019. She has published 37  articles in  journals and conference.




Hui-Ying Cheng studies nursing at the Hung Kuang University in Taiwan, she graduated as MS in 2009. She also worked as a head nurse in the intensive care unit in the hospital for fifteen years. She learns her PhD degree from 2019. She has published 37 articles in journals and conference.
