Title: A multidisciplinary approach: Improving health outcomes of persons experiencing homelessness
Homelessness is a major public and social health problem. For years, nurses have been on the frontline with a substantial and significant role in caring for the most vulnerable populations in guiding, assisting, and aiding the homeless to access to health and social services as well as helping them to navigate out of homelessness. These positive benefits associated with recuperative care programs have included strong physical, social, and emotional outcomes. The gaps and opportunities revealed by working as a nurse in a homeless shelter serves as a road map for developing comprehensive recuperative care programs that focus on education, jobs, housing, and healthcare in an equitable manner. Therefore, providing adequate funding to coordinate state and community level supports, thus bridging the gaps between many services that support those who are homeless. Nurses who work with the homeless population can provide health care that can achieve successful outcomes and decrease health disparities. To better address social determinants of health, nursing leaders should integrate awareness and hands on experience to better understand the root of social factors, social justice, and advocacy to improve health outcomes among the homeless population. Now more than ever, nurses are needed to work closely with their boards of health, state health departments, and professional coalitions to rebuild and reimagine sustainable support systems for the homeless population.