Title: To assess knowledge of occupational risks associated with solid waste management among novice nurses in the tertiary cancer hospital
A maximum of tertiary care hospitals use radioisotopes for diagnostic and therapeutic applications. Safe disposal of radioactive waste is a vital component of the overall management of hospital waste. An important objective in radioactive waste management is to safeguard that the radiation exposure to an individual (Public, Radiation worker, Patient) and the environment does not overdo the prescribed safe limits. Disposal of Radioactive waste in the public domain is undertaken in accordance with the Atomic Energy (Safe disposal of radioactive waste) rules of 1987 promulgated by the Indian Central Government Atomic Energy Act 1962. Any eventual plan of a hospital that intends to use radioisotopes for diagnostic and therapeutic procedures needs to have sufficient infrastructural and workers resources to keep its ambient radiation levels within specified safe limits. Regular monitoring of hospital areas and radiation workers is mandatory to assess the quality of radiation safety. Records should be maintained to identify the quality and quantity of radioactive waste generated and the mode of its disposal. The Radiation Safety officer plays a key role in waste disposal operations.
The purpose of this study is to assess the level of knowledge among novice nurses in the tertiary cancer hospital about occupational risks associated with solid waste management
Cross-sectional study. Conducted in Tata memorial hospital among a population aged 20 years and above, using a global standardized methodology to collect Training The study gathers information regarding the respondent’s background characteristics, Radioactive waste management Knowledge.