HYBRID EVENT: You can participate in person at Singapore or Virtually from your home or work.

5th Edition of

Singapore Nursing Research Conference

March 24-26, 2025 | Singapore

Nursing 2024

Katie Hemmings Trigg

Katie Hemmings Trigg, Speaker at Nursing Conferences
Katie Hemmings Trigg
University of Salford, United Kingdom


Katie Hemmings-Trigg is a second year doctoral researcher at The University of Salford conducting research investigating the retention and attrition rates of advanced clinical practitioners (ACP) in emergency care. She is a Consultant ACP in paediatric emergency medicine at Salford Care Organisation in the UK and has been nursing in emergency care for over 15 years. Her data collection is underway using a mixed methods approach and will be presenting the findings from her scoping review which formed the initial part of her doctorate.
