HYBRID EVENT: You can participate in person at Singapore or Virtually from your home or work.

5th Edition of

Singapore Nursing Research Conference

March 24-26, 2025 | Singapore

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We extend a warm invitation to the "5th Edition of Singapore Nursing Research Conference" (NURSING 2025) to be held in the vibrant city of Singapore from March 24-26, 2025. This esteemed gathering offers a hybrid experience, blending in-person attendance with virtual participation to ensure global accessibility and collaboration under the theme of "Caring Beyond Boundaries: Nursing's Impact on Global Health".

Esteemed scholars, researchers, practitioners, policymakers, and industry leaders from the nursing and healthcare community are invited to converge at this conference. It serves as a pivotal platform for fostering interdisciplinary dialogue, sharing best practices, and catalyzing advancements in nursing research and practice.

The conference will encompass a diverse array of topics spanning the breadth of nursing and healthcare domains. From nursing education to evidence-based practice, the agenda is designed to address the multifaceted challenges and opportunities encountered in nursing and healthcare delivery.

Participants can anticipate engaging presentations, interactive workshops, and insightful discussions led by renowned experts in the field. Topics will range from the role of nurses in disease control to the integration of complementary therapies in nursing and midwifery, reflecting the dynamic nature of contemporary nursing practice.

In summary, the Nursing 2025 promises to be a collaborative forum where attendees can exchange knowledge, foster innovation, and drive positive change in nursing and healthcare. We eagerly anticipate the opportunity to meet with you, either in person or virtually, as we embark on this journey of exploration and advancement together.

Upcoming Nursing Research Conferences 2025 | Nursing Research Conference | Nursing Conferences | Nursing Conference | Nursing Conference 2025 | Nursing Research Congress


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Scientific Committee Members

Nina Beaman, Speaker at Nursing Research Conferences

Nina Beaman

Aspen University, United States
Patricia M Burrell, Speaker at Nursing Conferences

Patricia M Burrell

Hawaii Pacific University, United States
David John Wortley, Speaker at Nursing Research Conferences

David John Wortley

International Society of Digital Medicine, United Kingdom
Jane Murray, Speaker at Nursing Conferences

Jane Murray

Northumbria University, United Kingdom


Elvessa Narvasa, Speaker at Nursing Conferences

Elvessa Narvasa

Quebec CCN, Canada
Ismat Mikky, Speaker at Nursing Conferences

Ismat Mikky

Bloomfield College of Montclair State University, United States
Rachel E Spector, Speaker at Nursing Research Conferences

Rachel E Spector

Boston College, United States
Christine Okpomeshine, Speaker at Nursing Research Conferences

Christine Okpomeshine

Jacobi Medical Center, United States
Jarra Finnegan Carney, Speaker at Nursing Research Conferences

Jarra Finnegan Carney

Massachusetts General Hospital, United States
Jaime Tomchik, Speaker at Nursing Research Conferences

Jaime Tomchik

University of Maryland, United States
Janet Sohal, Speaker at Nursing Conferences

Janet Sohal

Kaiser Permanente Northern California Region, United States
Julius N Bouh, Speaker at Nursing Research Conferences

Julius N Bouh

University of Maryland, United States
Craig Walters, Speaker at Nursing Conferences

Craig Walters

Independent, Australia
Garry Goh, Speaker at Nursing Conferences

Garry Goh

Dunedin Hospital, New Zealand
Susan J Kitching, Speaker at Nursing Research Conferences

Susan J Kitching

King Salman Armed Forces Hospital, Saudi Arabia
Eriko Mizuno, Speaker at Nursing Conferences

Eriko Mizuno

Juntendo University, Japan

Media Partners

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All International Conferences 2024
Conference Alerts

successful Past Conferences

Nursing 2024 | March 21 -23, 2024
Nursing 2023 | March 16 -18, 2023
Nursing 2022 | March 21 -22, 2022
Nursing 2021 | March 22 -24, 2021

Past Edition Highlights

209 Speakers Participated
43 Countries Involved
179 Universities/Institutes

Past Conference Information

The "4th Edition of Singapore Nursing Research Conference" (NURSING 2024) was held as a Hybrid Event from March 21-23, 2024, receiving a generous response from participants.
This success of "4th Edition of Singapore Nursing Research Conference" underscores the importance of nursing conferences in advancing the profession and improving patient care outcomes. These gatherings bring together healthcare professionals, researchers, and experts to exchange ideas, share best practices, and present the latest research findings and innovations.

The theme of the congress was "Leading Innovation and Pathways Transforming Nursing Future."

The Nursing 2024 Symposium organized by Magnus Group featured a range of national and international studies that contributed to nursing policy science and the body of evidence for regulatory decision-making. Attendees included nurse regulators, researchers, educators, and practitioners from around the world.

For NURSING 2024 Final Program: Click Here
For NURSING 2024 Abstract Book: Click Here
For NURSING 2024 Gallery Book: Click Here

Upcoming Nursing Conferences 2025: Nursing Research Conference | Nursing Conferences | Nursing Conference | Nursing Conference 2025 | Nursing CongressNursing Conferences  | Nursing Research Conference 2025 | Nursing Events | Nursing World Congress 2025 | Nursing Conferences | Global Conference on Nursing  2025 | International Conference on Nursing | Nursing World Congress | Nursing World Events | Nursing Meetings 2025 | Nursing  Conference | Nursing Conference 2025 | Nursing Meeting | Nursing Symposium | Nursing Meeting 2025 | International Nursing Meetings 2025

NURSING 2024, as an international platform, provided a forum for discussing the latest innovations in nursing. The scientific meeting began with a Keynote Session, followed by Oral Presentations featuring speakers from various universities, hospitals, academia, and businesses, sharing their recent research activities. Below is the list of our speakers.

Nursing 2024 Keynote Speakers:

Title: A re-introduction of the “caring“ capacity in nursing’s interactive field
From United States (Hawaii Pacific University) - Patricia M. Burrell
Title: Meeting the needs of patients with moderate to severe dementia; telling lies to support personhood
From United Kingdom (Northumbria University) - Jane Murray
Title: Wellness and healthcare management in the age of wearable technology
From New Zealand (Otago Polytechnic) - Elvessa Narvasa
Title: The lived experience of a nurse transitioning from a clinical setting to an academic environment
From United States (Bloomfield College of Montclair State University) - Ismat Mikky
Title: Violence as a public health crisis
From United States (Aspen University) - Nina Beaman
Title: Nurses’ voices: Grassroots to global
From Canada (Nightingale Initiative for Global Health) - Deva Marie Beck
Title: School-age mental health impact on education
From United States (Morehead State University) - Lisa Wallace
Title: It’s okay for healthcare providers to say “I’m not okay”
From United States (Houston Methodist Willowbrook Hospital) - Elaine Webb
Title: Managing healthcare transformation towards personalized, preventive, predictive, participative precision medicine
From Germany (University of Regensburg) - Bernd Blobel

Upcoming Nursing Conferences 2025: Nursing Research Conference | Nursing Conferences | Nursing Conference | Nursing Conference 2025 | Nursing CongressNursing Conferences  | Nursing World Conference 2025 | Nursing Events | Nursing World Congress 2025 | Nursing Conferences | Global Conference on Nursing  2025 | International Conference on Nursing | Nursing World Congress | Nursing World Events | Nursing Meetings 2025 | Nursing  Conference | Nursing Conference 2025 | Nursing Meeting | Nursing Symposium | Nursing Meeting 2025 | International Nursing Meetings 2025

Nursing 2024 Speakers:

Title: Rapid Antigen Detection Testing for diagnosis (RADT) of Group A Streptococcus (GAS) in children (Tamariki)
From New Zealand (Unitec–Te Pūkenga) - Irene Harrison
Title: Investigating the retention and attrition rates of Advanced Clinical Practitioners (ACPS) in Emergency Care (EC) within the United Kingdom
From United Kingdom (University of Salford, Health and Society) - Katie Hemmings Trigg
Title: Embedding salutogenesis in nursing student placements
From United Kingdom (University of Chester) - Kate H. Knight
Title: The integrated safety promotion program on safety work behaviors among Thai waste collectors
Title: Occupational health problems among taxi drivers in Chiang Mai province, Thailand
From Thailand (Chiang Mai University) - Waruntorn Jongrungrotsakul
Title: Qualitative study of family resilience in patients with refractory epilepsy
From China (The First Hospital of Jilin University) - Liu Xinmin
Title: The effect of COVID-19 on primary healthcare nurses’ job satisfaction and their turnover intention in Singapore
From Singapore (National University Polyclinics) - Bettina Lim Wan Sieng
Title: Predictors of parenting stress among mothers raising children with ASD in the Sultanate of Oman: Mediating role of self-compassion
From Oman (Oman College of Health Sciences) - Maiyasa G AL-Saadi
Title: Evaluating a nurse-led insulin tele-titration program on diabetes control in primary care
From Singapore (National University Polyclinics) - Janice Koh Huimin
Title: Predictors the factors of getting lost behavior in dementia persons: Family caregivers' perspectives
From Taiwan (National Taipei University of Nursing and Health Sciences) - Shu-Hui Li
Title: Professionalism in nursing on Indian context
From India (Banaras Hindu University) - Sivasankari S
Title: The science of oral health and hygiene for patients in 2024
From United States (St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center) - Virginia Prendergast
Title: Performance of Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE II) severity scoring system on the outcome of critically ill patient in ICU
From Malaysia (Lincoln University College) - Raj Kumar Mehta
Title: Clinico-epidemiological profile of patients with COVID-19 in a tertiary care centre of central Nepal
From Malaysia (Lincoln University College) - Mamata Sharma Neupane
Title: Remodeling of nursing education on E-learning platform in a medical college hospital
From India (Kasturba Medical College, Manipal Academy of Higher Education) - P. Naveen Kumar
Title: Residents’ environment safety for fall prevention in a long-term care facility
From Singapore (NTUC Health Chai Chee Nursing Home) - John Francis Abitong Paraoan
Title: Effect of Low-Dose Heparinized Saline (LDHS) on arterial line patency in patients with severe COVID-19 disease
From Thailand (Mahidol University) - Narisa Ajonsre
Title: Lived experiences of teenagers with pregnancy stress in Taiwan
From Taiwan (National Taipei University of Nursing and Health Sciences) - Chin-Lan Yang
Title: Construction of a thirst management program for ICU postoperative patients fasting from food and drink and its application
From China (East Hospital Affiliated to Tongji University) - Weiying Zhang
Title: A survey on cognition and attitude of teamwork in pre-practice period of nursing students in higher vocational colleges and an analysis of influencing factors
From China (East Hospital Affiliated to Tongji University) - Hai Ping Yu
Title: Organizational support, mental well-being and job satisfaction of nurses during COVID-19 pandemic crisis in selected tertiary hospital in Metro Manila
From Philippines (Lung Center of the Philippines) - Jennifer Rhae Jubinal Lim
Title: What is the experience of nurses undertaking research activity whilst in paid employment? An interpretive descriptive study
From New Zealand (Te Whatu Ora - Waitematā) - Kathryn Tennant
Title: Nurse recognition and response to unsafe practice by their peers
From New Zealand (New Zealand Nurses Organisation) - Wendy Blair
Title: Mental health nursing: Care and caring!
Title: Cultural factors affecting the mental health of immigrant women
Title: A cultural exploration of caring for a loved one with mental illness
From Australia (Western Sydney University) - Gihane Endrawes
Title: How is the electronic medical record changing registered nurses’ practices when caring for patients?
From Australia (James Cook University) - April Martin
Title: Analysis of the correlation and influencing factors between the perceived risk of cardiovascular disease and the objective estimation of risk in patients with chronic kidney disease
From China (Zhengzhou University) - Zhang Yanjun
Title: Formation factors and countermeasures of sleep disorders in ICU nurses
From China (Henan University) - Yixuan Sun
Title: Analysis of the influencing factors related to exercise adherence in community elderly patients with coronary heart disease: Based on self-determination theory
From China (Zhengzhou University) - Xinxin Li
Title: Psychosocial problems and coping strategies of preadolescent girls with early onset of puberty in selected ruraland urban schools
From India (Mar Sleeva College of Nursing) - K.M. Jolly (Sr. Josline)
Title: Disaster management in pediatric nursing department
From India (CMC Vellore Dr. MGR Medical University) - Mary Anbarasi Johnson
Title: Gait and cognition interlink with fall risk in older population: Mind-body connections for fall risk prevention
From India (University of Hyderabad) - Varalakshmi Manchana
Title: Why is thinking sociologically important for nursing
From Turkey (Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University) - Gülbu Tanrıverdi
Title: Sociodemographic and occupational variables influencing fatigue and social support among nurses in the emergency department: A cross-sectional study in Greece
From Greece (Hellenic Open University) - Paraskevi Theofilou
Title: Professional conduct in daily work ensures a successful personal and social life
From Romania (Academic Medical Unit–CMI) - Sofica Bistriceanu
Title: Use of diapers and perception of the nursing team in hospitalized older people: Mixed methods study
From Portugal (University of Aveiro) - Adriana Souza Szpalher
Title: The greatest gift we can give our children
From Switzerland (La Leche League) - Joanna Koch
Title: Implementation of a screening process for identifying polypharmacy in patients 65 and older in the emergency room
From United States (Care New England) - Tonya F. Boyd
Title: Disrespect prevalent in undergraduate nursing students: A conceptualization model explaining the etiology
From United States (Minnesota State University) - Kara R. De La Fosse, Rachel Schickling
Title: You care for the patient. Who cares for the family caregiver?
From United States (Share The Caregiving Inc.,) - Sheila T. Warnock
Title: Implementing a CAM program on inpatient units to reduce anxiety, stress and improve the patient experience
From United States (Garnet Health MC- Catskill) - Shanita Reynolds
Title: Decreasing the incidences of inpatient falls with structured, purposeful rounding
From United States (Allegheny Health Network) - Angel C. Pannell
Title: Nurse utilization in the backcountry
From United States (Intermountain Health) - Judi Carpenter
Title: Which procedure is the best for drainage to ease nausea and vomiting due to pylorus obstruction with advanced gastric cancer: The comparison among Naso-Gastric(NG) tube, Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy(PEG), and Percutaneous Transesophageal Gastrotubing(PTEG)
From Japan (Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine) - Nagato Katsura
Title: Effectiveness of intervention for orthostatic hypotension among psychiatric patients in mental hospitals
From Indonesia (Binawan University) - Sari Narulita

Nursing 2023 Poster Presenters:

Title: Literature review of physical health for people with schizophrenia
From Japan (Juntendo University) - Eriko Mizuno
Title: Development of a mental health program using self-compassion
From Japan (The Jikei University School of Nursing) - Yasuko Koyano
Title: Analysis of the effect of Yang-yin acupoint massage combined with five-tone therapy on insomnia among middle-aged and young patients
From China (East Hospital Affiliated to Tongji University) - Nana Jiang
Title: Analysis of related factors affecting the therapeutic effect of DELP
From China (East Hospital Affiliated to Tongji University) - Xiaohuan Qin
Title: Management of acute rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease
From New Zealand (Unitec–Te Pūkenga) - Irene Harrison
Title: A literature review of the impact of rubric assessment on adult nursing practice competencies in nursing colleges
From Japan (Tokyo Women's Medical University) - Aki Ibaraki
Title: Learning from simulation: Experiences of students regarding high-invasive nursing technique of intraoral suction
From Japan (Tohto University) - Hideko Kakinuma
Title: Identifying symptom clusters and temporal interconnections in patients with lung tumors after CT-guided microwave ablation: A network analysis
From China (Guangzhou Medical University) - Chunqin Liu
Title: Self-aware health of the Taiwanese older people living in the facility
From Taiwan (Da-Yeh University) - Chen-Yuan Hsu
Title: The nursing orientation passport: Development, implementation and evaluation of a nursing new hire onboarding tool
From Canada (University Health Network) - Brinda Balachandran
Title: Decreasing pressure injuries on a neuro-intermediate care unit by increasing static waffle overlay usage
From United States (Queen’s Medical Center) - Anna Podgorski
Title: The current status of nurses’ psychological experience as second victims in restoring the event after a patient safety incident in China: A mixed study
From China (Shanxi Bethune Hospital) - Zhuoxia Li

Upcoming Nursing Conferences 2025: Nursing Research Conference | Nursing Conferences | Nursing Conference | Nursing Conference 2025 | Nursing CongressNursing Conferences  | Nursing Research Conference 2025 | Nursing Events | Nursing World Congress 2025 | Nursing Conferences | Global Conference on Nursing  2025 | International Conference on Nursing | Nursing World Congress | Nursing World Events | Nursing Meetings 2025 | Nursing  Conference | Nursing Conference 2025 | Nursing Meeting | Nursing Symposium | Nursing Meeting 2025 | International Nursing Meetings 2025

We extend our sincere gratitude to all the speakers, session chairs, moderators, students, and delegates for their valuable contributions to the success of Nursing 2024.

With the conclusion of Nursing 2024, we are delighted to announce the "5th Edition of Singapore Nursing Research Conference" (Nursing 2025), to be held in Singapore from March 24-26, 2025.

We hope to see you again at Nursing 2025!!!

Upcoming Healthcare Conferences:

Conference Name: 9th Edition of Nursing World Conference 
Dates: October 27-29, 2025
Venue: Orlando, Florida, USA 

Conference Name: 5th Edition of Singapore Nursing Research Conference 
Dates: March 24-26, 2025 
Venue: Singapore 

Conference Name: 4th Edition of International Public Health Conference 
Dates: March 24-26, 2025
Venue: Singapore 

Upcoming Medical Conferences:

Conference Name: 8th Edition of International Cancer Conference 
Dates: September 18-20, 2025 
Venue: London, UK

Conference Name: 5th Edition of International Conference on Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine 
Dates: September 18-20, 2025 
Venue: London, UK

Conference Name: 7th Edition of Euro-Global Conference on Pediatrics and Neonatology 
Dates: September 18-20, 2025 
Venue: London, UK

Conference Name: 6th Edition of Global Conference on Surgery and Anaesthesia 
Dates: September 15-17, 2025 
Venue: London, UK

Conference Name: 3rd Edition of Global Conference on Gynecology & Womens Health 
Dates: October 27-29, 2025
Venue: Orlando, Florida, USA 

Conference Name: 5th Edition of World Obesity and Weight Management Congress 
Dates: October 23-25, 2025
Venue: Orlando, Florida, USA

Upcoming Cardiology Conferences:

Conference Name: 3rd Edition of International Heart Congress 
Dates: June 05-07, 2025
Venue: Rome, Italy 
Conference Name: 6th Edition of Cardiology World Conference 
Dates: September 15-17, 2025
Venue: London, UK

For Magnus Group Conferences Reviews:
Magnus Group Nursing Conferences Reviews | Magnus Conferences Reviews

Upcoming Nursing Conferences

Conference Name  Date Venue
9th Edition of Nursing World Conference October 27-29, 2025 Orlando, Florida, USA
5th Edition of Singapore Nursing Research Conference March 24-26, 2025 Singapore

"3rd Edition of Nursing Research Conference" was organized as Hybrid Event on March 16-18, 2023. Nursing 2023 Congress has received generous response from participants. 

Success of the "3rd Edition of Singapore Nursing Research Conference" (NURSING 2023) held on March 16-18, 2023. However, that nursing conferences are crucial in advancing the nursing profession and improving patient care outcomes by bringing together healthcare professionals, researchers, and experts to exchange ideas, share best practices, and present the latest research findings and innovations. These conferences provide a unique opportunity to discuss emerging trends, identify knowledge gaps, and collaborate on strategies to enhance nursing practice and patient care globally.

The congress centred the theme “Leading Innovation and Pathways Transforming Nursing Future.”

The 2023 Nursing Symposium of the Magnus Group featured a variety of national and international studies that enhanced nursing policy science and added to the body of evidence for regulatory decision-making. Nurse regulators, researchers, educators, and practitioners were all in the attendee list of the international virtual congress.

For NURSING 2023 Final Program: Click Here
For NURSING 2023 Abstract Book: Click Here
For NURSING 2023 Gallery: Click Here

Upcoming Nursing Conferences 2025: Nursing World Conference | Nursing Conferences | Nursing Conference | Nursing Conference 2025 | Nursing CongressNursing Conferences  | Nursing World Conference 2025 | Nursing Events | Nursing World Congress 2025 | Nursing Conferences | Global Conference on Nursing  2025 | International Conference on Nursing | Nursing World Congress | Nursing World Events | Nursing Meetings 2025 | Nursing  Conference | Nursing Conference 2025 | Nursing Meeting | Nursing Symposium | Nursing Meeting 2025 | International Nursing Meetings 2025

Nursing 2023 being an international platform, this scientific meeting has laid the path for discussing the latest innovations in the Nursing. Followed by Keynote Session, Oral Presentations were initiated which included Speakers from various Universities, Hospitals, Academia and Business who shared their recent research activities. And here is the list of our speakers.

Nursing 2023 Keynote Speakers:

Title: Self care CAM practices and the response of CAM use in patients
From United States (Hawaii Pacific University) - Patricia M Burrell
Title: Decision support for detecting infections in frail elderly: Development of Early Detection of Infection Scale (EDIS)
From Sweden (Linkoping University) - Marta Sund Levander
Title: Nurse learners engagement with community development has influenced the professional practice of nurse graduates
From New Zealand (Otago Polytechnic) - Jean Ross
Title: Socio determinants of health and their effect on patients surgical readiness and post surgical readmission rates
From United States (Nemours Children’s Health) - Carlos A Archilla
Title: Artificial intelligence in nursing education: Are we ready
From United States (Georgia Southern University) - Mary Estelle Bester
Title: Facilitating patient engagement in high tech care environments: The patients perspective and students lack of competency
From United States (Linfield University) - Ericka Waidley

Upcoming Nursing Conferences 2025: Nursing World Conference | Nursing Conferences | Nursing Conference | Nursing Conference 2025 | Nursing CongressNursing Conferences  | Nursing World Conference 2025 | Nursing Events | Nursing World Congress 2025 | Nursing Conferences | Global Conference on Nursing  2025 | International Conference on Nursing | Nursing World Congress | Nursing World Events | Nursing Meetings 2025 | Nursing  Conference | Nursing Conference 2025 | Nursing Meeting | Nursing Symposium | Nursing Meeting 2025 | International Nursing Meetings 2025

Nursing 2023 Speakers:

Title: Challenges of mid career nurses in COVID-19 pandemic: Effectiveness of servant leadership education
From Japan (Seisen Jogakuin College) - Ikuko Miyabayashi
From Japan (Keio University) - Mihoko Miyawaki
Title: Reawakening public support: Implications of desensitization on COVID-19 to the Risk Perception and Health Behavior
From Philippines (Dr Yangas Colleges Inc.,) - Khrisyah Gabe T. Oliver
Title: Anxiety and first practicums: Teaching techniques to improve nursing students first clinical experiences
From United States (New York University) - Irene Rempel
Title: Lessons learned from the sharp end of care
From United States (Northeastern University) - Maria Van Pelt
Title: Key factors for effective leadership of Nurse managers in Geriatric health service facilities
From Japan (MIE University Graduate School of Medicine) - Chiharu Miyata
Title: Implementation of ABCDEF care bundle in the intensive care units of private tertiary hospitals: A cross sectional study
From Saudi Arabia (International Medical Center) - Rawan Salem Abdullah Baqabas
Title: The effectiveness of Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction (MBSR) programme for parents of children with ADHD: A feasibility study
From Hong Kong (Hong Kong Metropolitan University) - Law Tsui Yuk
Title: Effects of mindfulness based interventions on depression in pregnant women: A systematic review and meta analysis
From Thailand (Mae Fah Luang University) - Chuntana Reangsing
Title: Doing longitudinal case study research collaboratively: The benefits for researchers
From New Zealand (Waikato Institute of Technology) - Patricia McClunie Trust
Title: The possibilities and limitation of our research for body composition of cancer cachectic patients with bioelectrical impedance analysis
Title: Do you know Percutaneous Transesophageal Gastrotubing (PTEG) instead of PEG
From Japan (Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine) - Nagato Katsura
Title: Cultural adaptation of a health manual to promote advance directives among the South Asian ethnic population in Hong Kong
From China (The Nethersole School of Nursing, The Chinese University of Hong Kong) - Carmen WH Chan
Title: The Hesitance of Nurses to apply for Midwifery Specialization: Explorative Qualitative Study in Oman
From Oman (Royal Hospital) - Fahima Mohammed Said Al Harthy
Title: Reflecting on the therapeutic value of telling lies to patients with Dementia
From United Kingdom (Northumbria University) - Jane Murray
Title: Classification of 80-year-old individuals into healthy, moderately healthy and frail based on different frailty scores affects the interpretation of laboratory results
From Sweden (Linkoping University) - Maria Edvardsson
Title: Low cost breast pump hire in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit: an evaluation of womens experiences and infant feeding outcomes at hospital discharge
From Australia (Western Health) - Jessica Hughes
Title: Comparing the psycho social health conditions of women with and without breast cancer
From Hong Kong (Hong Kong Metropolitan University) - Wong Suet Shan Sarah
Title: Awareness regarding the adverse effect of tobacco among labor staff in the tertiary cancer hospital
From India (Tata Memorial Hospital) - Jyoti Somabhai Patel
Title: Mitigating the impacts of COVID-19 on critical care: An umbrella realist review of individual focused interventions for healthcare professionals
From Australia (Flinders University) - Nurul Bahirah Binte Adnan
Title: Proctoring online exam in nursing education using UTAUT model: Emerging technology “live stream online exam”
From Malaysia (Open University Malaysia) - Hajjah Norziah Sarudin
Title: The transition of internationally qualified nurses specialty skills to developed countries clinical practice after immigration: A mixed method research
From Australia (Australian Catholic University) - Chanchal Kurup
Title: Workplace bullying and job satisfaction among nurses in Hong Kong
From Hong Kong (Tung Wah College) - Elaine Chow Hoi Yee
Title: Monitoring customized pressure sleeves based on MFF pressure testing system for the treatment of hypertrophic scars
From China (Central South University) - Ying Wu
Title: Clinical pathways in pediatric nursing clinical practice its usage in the developing countries like India
From India (CMC Vellore) - Mary Anbarasi Johnson
Title: Exploring the impact of artificial intelligence based education on student nurses bedside history taking abilities
From United Arab Emirates (Fatima College of Health Sciences) - Alexander M Gleason
Title: Prevalence of female genital mutilation and its effects on birth outcomes: A cross sectional study at a tertiary care hospital in Somalia
From Somalia (Mogadishu Somalia Turkish Training and Research Hospital) - Rahma Yusuf Haji Mohamud
Title: National clinical guidelines education program, state of Qatar
From Qatar (Ministry of Public Health) - Rasmeh Al Huneiti
Title: The effect of intercultural nursing course on nursing students levels of ethnocentrism
From Turkey (Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University) - Gulbu Tanriverdi
Title: Fatigue management
From Canada (Edmonton Police Service) - Si Yee Liew
Title: V-care development: Capturing and analyzing immune related adverse events
From Canada (York University) - Saeed Moradian
Title: International recruitment fellowship: An innovative approach to recruitment and retention and leadership
From United Kingdom (NHS England) - Stefano Pochetti
Title: A multidisciplinary approach: Improving health outcomes of persons experiencing homelessness
From United States (University of South Florida) - Latiena Williams
Title: Cultural Care: From research to theory to an educational paradigm
From United States (Boston College) - Rachel E Spector
Title: An exploration of the effect of mindfulness on the development of clinical reasoning in undergraduate nursing students
From United States (University of Portland) - Stephanie Sideras
Title: The science behind postnatal recovery rituals: A western perspective
From United States (Eco Postnatal Care Company) - Valerie Lynn
Title: Insights into inconsistent infant safe sleep practices among African American caregivers
From United States (Morgan State University) - Malliga Jambulingam
Title: Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of parents regarding convulsion in children under five years in Muea community, Cameroon
From Cameroon (University of Buea) - Eta nee Enow Vivian Ayamba

Nursing 2023 Poster Presenters:

Title: Factors related to the occupational commitment of nurses working in a university hospital in the Kanto area of Japan
From Japan (Saitama Medical University) - Takeo Kudo
Title: Factors related to work engagement of nurses working in acute care hospitals
From Japan (Saitama Medical University) - Yukiko Kako
Title: Awareness survey on second career for head nurses working at general hospitals
From Japan (Chiba Prefectural University of Health Sciences) - Noriko Nishimura
Title: Characteristics of young nurses assertiveness
From Japan (International University of Health and Welfare) - Eiko Suzuki
Title: To assess knowledge of occupational risks associated with solid waste management among novice nurses in the tertiary cancer hospital
From India (Tata Memorial Hospital) - Pushpa Gole
Title: MMA embolization in treatment for adult CSDH: A systematic review and meta analysis
From Singapore (National Neuroscience Institute) - Angela Zhan Bin Bin
Title: Short term effect of a smoking prevention class from the perspective of students and their parent
From Japan (Sapporo Medical University) - Konno Miki
Title: Knowledge of the elder abuse prevention law among the nurses working in general hospital wards in Japan
From Japan (Tokyo Jushin University) - Yuki Ohtsuyama
Title: Effect of walking on cancer related fatigue in cancer patients: Systematic review
From Taiwan (Asia University) - Ssu Yuan Lin
Title: Health care policy for prevention and management of dementia in Taiwan: Analysis and suggestions
From Taiwan (National Taipei University of Nursing and Health Sciences) - Chih Wen Chen
Title: Predicting factors of hearing protection device use of workers in kaolin mineral dressing factories, Thailand
From Thailand (Chiang Mai University) - Waruntorn Jongrungrotsakul
Title: Non-sexual harassment and bullying in the workplace
From United States (Improving Healthcare Culture and Nursing) - Victoria Grimes Holsinger
Title: Prevalence post mastectomy human responses: Approach from the needs of continuity of care and adaptation
From Mexico (Juarez University of the State of Durango) - Monica Gallegos Alvarado
Title: Exploring hong kong general ward nurses experiences of transitional care for patients discharged from ICU
From Hong Kong (Hong Kong Polytechnic University) - Yau Yim Ching
Title: Mental health prediction using machine learning: Pain and stress detection using wearable sensors and devices
From Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (Bisha University) - Selvia Arokiya Mary Amalanathan

Upcoming Nursing Conferences 2025: Nursing World Conference | Nursing Conferences | Nursing Conference | Nursing Conference 2025 | Nursing CongressNursing Conferences  | Nursing World Conference 2025 | Nursing Events | Nursing World Congress 2025 | Nursing Conferences | Global Conference on Nursing  2025 | International Conference on Nursing | Nursing World Congress | Nursing World Events | Nursing Meetings 2025 | Nursing  Conference | Nursing Conference 2025 | Nursing Meeting | Nursing Symposium | Nursing Meeting 2025 | International Nursing Meetings 2025

We would like to thank all the speakers, session chairs, moderators, students and delegates for attending and making Nursing 2023 a huge success.

For Magnus Group Conferences Reviews:
Magnus Group Nursing Conferences Reviews | Magnus Conferences Reviews

The 2nd Edition of Singapore Nursing Research Conference” (NURSING 2022) was organised on March 21-22, 2022 with triumphant success bringing together international delegates to share the most up-to-date research, knowledge, ideas, innovations, and current developments in nursing and healthcare in both developed and developing countries during March 21-22, 2022.

The congress centred the theme “Exploring Challenges in Nursing Research: The Unsung Frontline Warriors’ Field.”

The 2022 Nursing Symposium of the Magnus Group featured a variety of national and international studies that enhanced nursing policy science and added to the body of evidence for regulatory decision-making. Nurse regulators, researchers, educators, and practitioners were all in the attendee list of the international virtual congress.

For NURSING 2022 Final Program: Click Here
For NURSING 2022 Abstract Book: Click Here

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Nursing 2022 being an international platform, this scientific meeting has laid the path for discussing the latest innovations in the Nursing. Followed by Keynote Session, Oral Presentations were initiated which included Speakers from various Universities, Hospitals, Academia and Business who shared their recent research activities. And here is the list of our speakers.

Nursing 2022 Keynote Speakers:

Title: Difftemp, a new way to assess increased body temperature as fever: Clinical implications
From Sweden (Linkoping University) - Martha Sund Levander
Title: Embracing a growth mindset in the age of medical robots
From Canada (Canadian Council of Cardiovascular Nurses Montreal) - Elvessa Narvasa
Title: Moving through caring for yourself and others during COVID 19
From USA (Capella University) - Adele Webb
Title: Conscious heart connection a tool for self-care and well-being in the 21st century
From USA (Palm Beach Gardens) - Ilene Gottlieb
Title: Stop the noise: Decrease non-actionable electrocardiograph alarms
From USA (Chamberlain University) - Brenda T Spear
Title: Advances and challenges in research and development
From India (MIMS college of Nursing) - Assuma Beevi
Title: Advocacy in nursing how are we doing
From USA (Hawaii Pacific University) - Patricia M. Burrell
Title: Communication significance in clinical practice
From Romania (Academic Medical Unit) - Sofica Bistriceanu

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Nursing 2022 Speakers:

Title: The experience with do not resuscitation (DNR) on the family of the terminal patients in the intensive care unit
From Taiwan (Hung Kuang University) - Hui-Ying Cheng
Title: Evaluation of satisfaction with Virtual/Hybrid modality instruction in prelicensure baccalaureate nursing program and correlation to the nclex pass rates
From USA  (South University) - Susan Hamley
Title: Evaluation of satisfaction with Virtual/Hybrid modality instruction in prelicensure baccalaureate nursing program and correlation to the nclex pass rates
From USA (South University) - Marie-Carole France
Title: Evaluation of satisfaction with Virtual/Hybrid modality instruction in prelicensure baccalaureate nursing program and correlation to the nclex pass rates
From USA (South University) - Julia Canipe
Title: Diagnostic indicators of insomnia in community-dwelling older adults: Clinical accuracy
From Brazil (UNIRIO) - Adriana Souza Szpalher
Title: Challenges to interpret outcome from clinical laboratory analytes, in >80-year-old, apparently healthy, moderately healthy, and frail individuals
From  Sweden (Linkoping University) - Maria Edvardsson
Title: Factors affecting the success of premarital screening service in middle eastern Islamic countries
From USA (Case Western Reserve University) - Wafa Al Jabri
Title: Development of a nurse preceptor competence guide; Delphi study
From Oman (Royal Hospital, Oman) - Mudhar Al Adawi
Title: Breast feeding problems and factors leading to early weaning among mothers
From India (Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church College of Nursing) - Sheela Shenai.N.A
Title: Pregnancy and COVID 19- care in need, cesarean section emerging scenarios
From India (Rangaraya Medical College) - Soumini Gangaraju
Title: Multidimensional perspectives of ageism and interpersonal relationships on health and well-being among older adults
From India (University of Hyderabad) - Varalakshmi Manchana
Title: Innovation in pediatric nursing: Inventions from Turkey
From Turkey (Cukurova University) - Senay Cetinkaya
Title: Examining identifiable factors associated with the mental health status of children both pre and post the covid-19 pandemic
From USA (Los Angeles Pacific University) - Damien Byas
Title: Impact of a family-based educational intervention on knowledge, attitudes,and burden of Alzheimer's caregivers
From Egypt (Menoufyia University) - Amal Ibrahim Khalil
Title: Experiences of family members caring for children with congenital anomaly
From Philippines (Angeles University Foundation) - Jea Joel Mendoza-Dungca
Title: Mapping the domains of general nurse practice in performance appraisal instruments: A scoping review
From USA (University of Oxford) - Sean E. McNeal
Title: A cross sectional survey on the importance of PPE training among frontline nurses during the pandemic
From Saudi Arabia (King Abdulaziz University Hospital) - Alla Omar BaMohammed
Title: The Importance of Breastfeeding
From Switzerland (La Leche Liga Switzerland) - Joanna Koch
Title: The role of virtual reality and digital therapeutics in the future of nursing
From United Kingdom (International Society of Digital Medicine (ISDM) - David John Wortley
Title: Esther and her daughter meet the health Care System: A case study
From Sweden (Linkoping University) - Martha Sund Levander
Title: Online learning: Indian nurses’ perception
From India (Ramaiah Institute of Nursing Education and Research) - Balamurugan
Title: Impact of preceptorship program on self efficacy and learning outcome among Nursing students
From India (Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church College of Nursing) - Sheela Shenai.N.A
Title: The impact of training of community health care workers providing wardbased community outreach services in Dr Kenneth Kaunda district of the Northwest Province, South Africa
From South Africa (Masedi Project Management) - Segomotso Magzimah Ntlhaile
Title: Assessment of nurse's knowledge toward infection control for wound care in governmental hospital at Amran City, Yemen
From Yemen  (Al-Razi University) - Fares Ali Mohammed Mahdi
Title: Six thinking hats as a creative approach in managing meetings in hospitals
From Egypt (Helwan University) - Eman Salman
Title: Self-Care for the nursing professional
From USA (Leadership development trainer) - Rodney C Burris
Title: Organizational culture and nursing adherence to quality and patient safety practices
From Brazil  (Federal University of Minas Gerais) - Palloma Fernandes
Title: Perceptions and experiences of midwives and nurses who conducted home visits in Jordan
From Jordan (Prince Muna College of Nursing) - Enaam Yousef Al-Ananbeh
Title: Adherence to therapy in the digital age: a new assessment of skills
From Italy  (University of Turin) - Sabrina Grigolo

We would like to thank all the speakers, session chairs, moderators, students and delegates for attending and making Nursing 2022 a huge success.

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Singapore Nursing Research Conference (NURSING 2021) Report:

"Singapore Nursing Research Conference" (NURSING 2021) held Online during March 22-24, 2021 with the theme “Untangle the threads of Nursing Research for better healthcare” witnessed participants from all over the Globe. The conference community exchanged expertise and experiences across 30+ Presentations in various formats and Various Interactive sessions.

For NURSING 2021 Final Program: Click Here
For NURSING 2021 Abstract Book: Click Here

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NURSING 2021 opened with talks of keynote speakers who discussed Building resilience in leaders: Addressing moral distress in a pandemic.

Nursing 2021 Keynote Speakers:

Title: Title: Building resilience in leaders: Addressing moral distress in a pandemic
From United States (Capella University) - Adele Webb
Title: New knowledge and virtual learning –Transitioning to a digital future
From United States (New York City Health + Hospitals) - Natalia Cineas
Title: Transcultural self efficacy: A must in health care: Cultural competence in nursing and public health students
From United States (Hawaii Pacific University) - Patricia Burrell
Title: Advances and challenges in research and development
From India (MIMS College of Nursing) - Assuma Beevi
Title: Embracing a growth mindset in the age of medical robots
From Canada (Canadian Council of Cardiovascular Nurses Montreal) - Elvessa Narvasa
Title: Advance Cannulation techniques for Nurse, Tecks and Patients
From United States (Clinic, Inc - Albany) - Stuart Mott
Title: The loss of loved ones declines the heart function
From Romania (Academic Medical Unit – CMI) - Sofica Bistriceanu

Followed by Keynote Session, Oral Presentations were initiated which included Speakers from various Universities, Hospitals, Academia and Business who shared their recent research activities, Expertise, Current challenges, Solutions to Overcome and many more. And here is the list of speakers along with their Presentation Details.

Nursing 2021 Speakers:

Title: Clinical decision making in Telehealth. An instuition or analytical process?
From United Kingdom (NHS 24) - Dawn Orr
Title: Human papillomavirus: A global burden
From United States (University of South Florida) - Latiena Williams
Title: Bridging the gap: Bedside & Executives – An integrative review
From United States (University of Texas Medical Branch) - Melanie Leach
Title: Smartphone application for learning medical terminology and improving academic performance in vocational nursing students
From USA (Capella University) - Katherine Anderson Rosselot
Title: Creative teaching and learning strategies in nursing assistant education
From USA (Oakton Community College) - Bincy Reginold
Title: Our experience in the improvement of the reproductive health in Roma women– an overview of the standpoints
From Slovenia (University Clinical Centre Ljubljana) - Marjeta Logar Cucek
Title: Multifunctional properties of Vitamin D 
From Ukraine (Bogomolets National Medical University) - Ievgeniia Burlaka
Title: Effect of risk factor modification program (RFMP) on high risk adolescents
From India (S.N.D.T Women's University of Mumbai) - Shobha Gaikwad
Title: Compare the effect of wound healing and cost of dressing solution between citric acid and conventional method of dressing among the patients with diabetic foot ulcer in tertiary hospital
From India (Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education & Research) - M. J. Kumari
Title: Factors contributing sepsis to children under sixteen years admitted at pediatric burn unit in Muhimbili national hospital 
From United Republic of Tanzania (Muhimbili referral national hospital) - Mwanahamisi Ally Mvimba
Title: Application of machine learning in perioperative and postoperative analgesia
From China (Southeast University) - Chengmao Zhou
Title: Effectiveness of a structured teaching program on knowledge and practice regarding prevention of type 2 diabetes mellitus among adolescents in selected schools of Kerala
From India (Mar Sleeva College Of Nursing Pala, Cherpumkal) - Theyamma Joseph
Title: Effects of superhero splint distraction technique in the level of pain among pediatric clients during intravenous insertion
From Phillipines (De La Salle Medical and Health Sciences Institute) - Marvin Jay Salvador
Title: Faculty and student perception of cultural competence and its implication in nursing research
From India (Sadhu Vaswani College Of Nursing) - Sripriya Gopalkrishnan
Title : Challenges in nursing research
From India (SKIMHS&R Nursing College) - Subhash Chandra Sharma
Title: Facilitating patient engagement in high-tech care environments: The patient’s perspective
From USA (Linfield College Good Samaritan School of Nursing) - Ericka K. Waidley
Title: Nurse Managers experiences of their leadership roles in a specific mining primary healthcare service in the West Rand
From South Africa (University of Johannesburg) - Sanele Nene

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Oral Presentations were held various topic which includes Nursing Education, Machine Learning in Nursing, Pediatric Nursing, Challenges in  Nursing Research, Nursing Leadership, Gynecology Nursing.

Nursing 2021 Poster Presenters:

Title: Perception of nursing students of basic sciences courses in King Saud Bin Abdul Aziz University for Health Sciences
From Saudi Arabia (King Saud Bin Abdul Aziz University For Health Sciences) - Krutika Shaikh
Title: Perceptions and behavioural risk factors related to Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) among impoverished people in urban Vietnam
From Japan (National Center for Global Health and Medicine) - Machiko Higuchi
Title: Sleep patterns and sleeping disorders among low risk and high risk pregnant Saudi women: A comparative approach
From Saudi Arabia (King Saud Bin Abdul-Aziz University For Health Sciences) - Iman El Kiweri
Title: The effects of the loss of loved ones on vulnerable people
From Romania (Academic Medical Unit – CMI) - Sofica Bistriceanu
E Poster
Title: Measurement of Organizational Culture, at health personnel of Health Centers in the island of Crete
From Greece (Hellenic Mediterranean University) - Nikolaos Rikos

Nursing 2021 event stood as platform to discuss and exchange various challenges, ideologies to overcome with various Keynote, Oral, Poster, E Poster Sessions along with various interactive sessions.
We would like to thank all the participants, Students and Delegates for being a part of this event and making it successful.

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Conference Schedule


Registration .


Opening Ceremony and Introduction


Keynote Session I


Refreshment Break


Keynote Session II




Break Out Session I


Refreshment Break


Break Out Session II


Keynote Session III


Refreshment Break


Break Out Session III




poster presentations


Refreshment Break


Break Out Session IV


Keynote Session IV


Refreshment Break


Break Out Session V




Break Out Session VI


End Note Session and Closing Ceremony

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