Critical and Intensive Care Nursing encourages specialist nurses to provide exceptional care to critically ill patients. Intensive care Nursing is a branch of nursing that focuses on providing the best possible care to critically ill or unstable patients who have had major injury, surgery, or are suffering from life-threatening diseases. These healthcare professionals typically look after critically ill patients who require endotracheal intubation and/or titratable vasoactive intravenous medication or mechanical ventilation. General intensive care units, surgical intensive care units, medical intensive care units, cardiothoracic intensive care units, trauma intensive care units, coronary care units, burns units, pediatrics, and some trauma center emergency departments are all places where critical care nurses can be found.
Title : Self-care and caring: Bringing it together in nursing
Patricia M Burrell, Hawaii Pacific University, United States
Title : Using props when caring for people with moderate to severe dementia; Supporting personhood or elaborate lies?
Jane Murray, Northumbria University, United Kingdom
Title : The impact of AI and immersive technologies on nursing futures
David John Wortley, International Society of Digital Medicine, United Kingdom
Title : Embracing medical robots in today’s highly interconnected world
Elvessa Narvasa, Quebec CCN, Canada
Title : Exploring the healthcare professionals’ experiences with patient's death
Ismat Mikky, Bloomfield College of Montclair State University, United States
Title : Nursing informatics
Santosh Marathe, NMC Healthcare, United Arab Emirates